Sunday Bulletin & Announcements

Bulletins: Click below for bulletins for our 9:15 Contemporary and 10:30 Traditional Services. Both services are live streamed on our website and Facebook page. The 10:30 service is also broadcast on WMRN radio.

Click HERE for the 150th Anniversary Bulletin


We Remember with Our Prayers: Nanci Anderegg, Mary Ellen Swartz, Jean Roecker, Paul Burnside, Joan Couts, Jane Scroggins, Margaret Iverson, Joyce Baumgartner, Pat Gerfen, Gerald Rider, Karen Smith, Sandy Mitchell, Dan Cocherl, Pammie Richardson, Cindy Binns, Karen, Kimberly Griffith, Mark Woodrum, Deb Johnson, Doug Wingate, Ken & Peggy Krueger, Arlene Binns, Carroll Neidhart, Ken, Jaime Williams, Pastor Gilbert Roth, Shannon, Adam, Kris Tinsley, Linda Ruehmund, and Kevin Williams.

Anniversary Sunday Altar Flowers are given by Jane Hinaman in memory of her parents, Virgil & Ruth Ann Hinaman.

New Worship Schedule Beings Next Sunday, September 15thAs a reminder, we will begin our new worship schedule next week. The new schedule is: 9:00am – Traditional Service, 10:00am – Education/Fellowship Hour, 11:00am – Contemporary Service. See you Sunday!

Are You Interested in Reading Scripture during Worship? We are in need of a few additional lay readers for the 11am Contemporary Worship Service. Typically, you will not be asked to read more than once a month. Scripture is emailed out the Wednesday before you are scheduled to read and schedules are sent out quarterly in the mail. If you are interested in being a reader, please contact Ashley Koehler at the church office. Thank you!

Thank you for your support and donations to the much-needed Feed the Need Ministry! Our current needs are: sandwich crackers, hamburger patties, lunchmeats, oranges, French fries, tater tots, frozen meatballs, and chicken nuggets.

Calling all High School Students for Luther League – Sundays at 6pm starting September 15th Since 1948, Emanuel has had a high school youth presence, with Luther League; A thriving youth ministry full of outreach, social gatherings and hosting events. Emanuel has made the decision to reignite the flame that once was, for our youth. All high school aged individuals, grades 9-12 will meet in the gathering space on Sundays at 6pm. We will have planned activities, bible study, games, crafts and food/beverages. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Anja Merchant, Luther League Advisor.

Emanuel’s Community Meal is Thursday, September 12th at 4:30p.m. If you know you are attending the meal, please give Janet Musser call or text 740-360-1588 to help with planning. RSVPs are not required for the meal and everyone is welcome!

Ushers Needed – Anyone interested in Ushering at the 9 am service, please contact Christy Penrod or any member of Spiritual Life – Judy Lehner, Scott Inskeep, Deb Yager, or Sandy Needham.

Pirate Potluck – Thursday, September 19th from 5:00 to 7:00pm, followed by a special Thursday evening worship at 7:00pm.  There will be Pirate Bingo with prizes and of course, plenty of food!  Have fun thinking of a “piratey” name for your favorite dish to share – maybe Anti Scurvy Fruit Salad or Buccaneer Baked Beans.  We’ll have blank cardstock available so we can label your dish with a fun name.  There will be bandanas and eye patches to wear and add to the fun, or come in costume if you wish!   Plan now to come and join us.

Can We Pray for You? If you have any upcoming surgeries or end up with an unplanned hospital stay, please contact the church office so we can visit and pray for you. We are also working to update our prayer list in the bulletin. Please take a look and let us know if anyone needs added or removed. Thank you!

Summer Jesus Comes to an end… As promised, a meal will close out this evangelism initiative. Breakfast will be served in conjunction with Sunday School at 10:00 on September 29th  in the Parlors. Consider this event Sunday School with a meal. Young and old are invited to join us. We will have discussion on our experiences with Summer Jesus and how we can continue this mission in our hearts everywhere we go.

Aspire Ministries is gearing up for their first Shoe Drive Fundraiser. They are collecting gently used or new shoes from Sept. 1 thru Oct. 31. Visit for drop off locations and more details.

Commemorative Anniversary Ornaments are available in the Gathering Space before service and in the Parlor during the Luncheon.

The September 150th Anniversary Display – The Anniversary Display in the Gathering Space is updated each month. Check it out and learn a little about Emanuel’s History!

The Week of September 8th at Emanuel:

Sun. 9/8       Happy 150th Anniversary, Emanuel!

12:00p.m.    Anniversary Luncheon

Mon. 9/9      6:00p.m.      Spiritual Life (offsite)

Tues. 9/10    8:30a.m.      Quilters

6:00p.m.      Bd. of Properties Mtg.

6:00p.m.      Praise Team Rehearsal

7:00p.m.      Marionaires

Wed. 9/11    9:30a.m.      Bible Study

11:00a.m.     Feed the Need

6:00p.m.      Adult Choir Rehearsal

7:00p.m.      Bell Choir

Thurs. 9/12  10:00a.m.     Staff Meeting

11:30a.m.     Book Study

4:30p.m.      Community Meal

5:30p.m.      Book Study

Sun. 9/15       9:00a.m.      Traditional Worship

10:00a.m.    Adult & Children’s Sun. School

11:00p.m.    Contemporary Worship

6:00p.m.     Luther League