
Emanuel Lutheran Church is located at 241 South Prospect Street in Marion, OH. The easiest way to get directions is to click on the map below.

We have also included written directions below the map.

From South:
US 23 North to OH 309 exit, left 2.6 mi., then left on South Prospect Street (1-way – OH 4).

From North:
71 S to OH 95 exit (Mt. Gilead), turn right. Stay on 95 into downtown Marion; turn right on Vine Street (1-way); left at light onto East Center Street (1-way); then left onto South Prospect Street (1-way – OH 4)

From West:
US 33 to OH 4N exit 26.6 mi. to Pearl Street; right  onto West Church Street (1-way); right at light onto South Prospect Street (1-way – OH 4)

From East:
US 30 to 71 S; follow directions from North.